AOL Preps for Windows Vista Launch

As the January 30 launch date of Windows Vista nears, more and more companies are announcing support for the next generation operating system. The latest is AOL, which said Tuesday its suite of applications is "Vista Ready."
A beta of an AOL Mail & AIM Gadget for the Windows Vista sidebar is now available, and would allow the user to check his or her e-mail and instant messages. The mini-application would allow users to read e-mail messages, receive new mail and incoming IM alerts, as well as including other AOL-related features.
The AOL 9.0 client has also been updated for Vista, and is immediately available for download from the AOL Web site. In addition, the new version would also feature legacy support for Windows 98 through Windows XP, the company said.
While AIM 6 will not be compatible with Vista, the company is offering beta of the next update to the client, version 6.1 This would allow early adopters to get a first look at the updated client, as well as gain Vista compatibility.
In addition, OpenRide 1.5 is now Vista ready and available from AOL's beta software site. The application is intended for broadband users and has been billed as the Dulles, Va. company's next-generation software, replacing the aging AOL client.