No More Huge Bills for iPhone Users

AT&T is finally putting an end to the odd practice of sending its iPhone customers extremely detailed bills, sometimes numbering in the hundreds of pages.
The carrier's lengthy bills were first highlighted by Pittsburgh iPhone owner Justine Ezarik, who posted a one minute video to YouTube nearly two weeks ago. Her bill numbered 300 pages long.
While most have not received bills the size of Ezarik's -- which was so big it needed to be delivered in a box -- many have found themselves the recipients of bills that are at least 10 to 20 times the size of a normal cellular bill.
Many users began to complain about it to AT&T, saying the bills were far too detailed. The company responded Wednesday by sending all iPhone owners a text message saying that it will be simplifying the bill for those using Apple's phone.
"We are simplifying your paper bill, removing itemized detail. To view all detail go to Still need full paper bill? Call 611," the message read. The new bills will be sent to all wireless customers starting September 28.
Those who wish to keep receiving the detailed bills -- one would guess not many -- will be charged an extra $1.99 per month. AT&T had been planning to make the switch anyway, however the number of complaints from iPhone users sped the process.