Amazon fires up e-book market with reader device

One of the nation's biggest online retailers is reportedly close to shipping its own electronic book reader, sources report.
Details of the actual unit are not available, although the 'Kindle' as it is called, apparently has an EVDO data connection. Reports seem to suggested that at least a dozen media partners will be available at launch.
TechCrunch claims that the device will also support Wi-Fi connections, and will not support open standards. It claimed the price will also be set around $399. Full details are expected as part of an event in New York Monday.
So far, the electronic book sector has struggled to make any headway, even though readers -- or applications to read on the go -- have been available for close to a decade now.
Recently, Sony has attempted to restart the market with its own contribution, the Reader. Although exact sales numbers have not been released, it has been said to be selling fairly well.
Amazon, who has the advantage of a close proximity to the content industry. appears to be looking to one-up the success of Sony.
CEO Jeff Bezos is taking the launch quite seriously, pulling in new sources for its library of titles in order to be the largest e-book retailer. Additionally, it has studied Apple carefully to take cues on how to launch a product successfully.