Office for Mac set to ship next month

The long wait for a new version of Microsoft Office for the Mac OS X platform is just about over, with development of the suite completed.
Microsoft said the code was released to manufacturing Tuesday night, and an official launch is set to occur at Macworld Expo in January. The new version of Office ends a nearly four year wait for the software.
Users will have the option of purchasing the software in three different versions: the Home and Student Edition for $150; a standard edition for $400 --though an update version will be available for $240-- and a Special Media Edition for $500, with the update setting the user back $300.
All versions include World, Excel, and PowerPoint. The standard version adds Entourage, and the Special Media Edition adds Expression Media.
Those purchasing Office 2004 between now and the release of Office 2008 will be allowed to request a copy of the Special Media Edition for only the price of shipping and handling through the "Super Suite Deal."