D-Link, Netgear team up with BitTorrent

The two companies have joined BitTorrent Device Partners, a licensing program aimed at creating devices that work with the file sharing service.
Both D-Link and Netgear announced products Monday at CES that would allow consumers to use the technology to share their content throughout the home and on the Internet.
The announcements continue BitTorrent's efforts to evolve the technology from one associated with the pirating of copyrighted content to a legitimate method of data delivery. The licensing program was created last year to do just that.
In addition, through licensing consumers would not have to worry about adjusting their router settings in order to get BitTorrent working smoothly, it said. Through this, consumers would not need to worry themselves with security or performance concerns.
Of course, all this is dependent on the Internet connection the user employs. If his or her ISP is throttling BitTorrent transfers, the enhanced performance is not going to matter all that much.