Up Close: TiVo adds video transfers from the PC

Although TiVo didn't have any new hardware to show off at CES, the company was demoing its upcoming video features, which include the ability to transfer downloaded content from a PC to the TiVo. This means TiVo users can subscribe to video podcasts or download DivX movies and have them sync automatically to the device for watching on the TV.
First up, TiVo will release a new TiVo Desktop client -- version 2.6 -- in March to enable the functionality. Beta testing is expected to begin in February. TiVo Desktop will transcode the video into the MPEG-2 format used by the set-top box. High-definition content is fully supported.
Video content that is set to automatically sync will show up on TiVo's Now Playing list.
Transfered content will show up just like any other recorded show.
The PC running TiVo desktop will also show up, so available video content can be viewed and transfered on demand.