Google updates its Android SDK

Google released on Wednesday an updated version of its Android SDK, including a new user interface that separates it from Apple's iPhone, and layout animations for iPhones.
Initial betas of the SDK included a user interface that many commented was quite similar to that of the iPhone. With this update, m5-rc14, the UI is beginning to take on a look of its own.
Developer advocate Jason Chen said the previous UI was only a placeholder, but cautioned that the new one was "still in progress." In addition, the interface has been spiffed up by the addition of layout animations to enhance the look of applications.
Geo-coding has been added to the SDK, which allows a developer to forward and reverse geo-code, as well as search for businesses. In addition, a new Eclipse plug-in makes developing for the platform easier.
The media player has also been updated to include support for additional formats, including OGG Vorbis, MIDI, XMF, iMelody, RTTL/RTX, and OTA.
Google is asking that developers report any bugs found in the new version of the OS to them, and continue submitting comments -- which it said drove many of the enhancements to m5-rc14.
"We're excited about the progress that we've made and look forward to making additional updates in the future as the platform evolves towards production-readiness," Chen said.