Google repeats concerns over Microsoft + Yahoo

Google repeated its concern surrounding the proposed merger between Microsoft and Yahoo, saying it would threaten the openness of the Internet.
Google CEO Eric Schmidt made the comments to attendees as part of a press conference surrounding its efforts to bring cloud computing to Chinese universities. Obviously, reporters were anxious to get his take on the Microsoft-Yahoo tie-up.
"We would hope that anything they did would be consistent with the openness of the Internet, but I doubt it would be," reads Reuters' quote of Schmidt's comments this morning to reporters. "We are concerned that there are things Microsoft could do that would be bad for the Internet."
Google had already spoken publicly on the subject back in February when the deal was first announced. In fact, legal chief David Drummond said much the same thing at that time: that in its view, such a deal would threaten openness and innovation on the Internet.
"While the Internet rewards competitive innovation, Microsoft has frequently sought to establish proprietary monopolies -- and then leverage its dominance into new, adjacent markets," Drummond said last February.
Schmidt built upon this idea in his own comments, saying the acquisition raises the question of whether or not Microsoft will again take measures that may make it harder for other companies to compete in the space.
Yahoo has already rejected the Redmond firm's attempts to acquire it, although Microsoft has attempted to take the issue directly to the shareholders to force Yahoo's hand. It is not clear yet whether Microsoft has made any progress on that front.