Android overtakes iPhone as the OS with the most rumors

It seems like there has been a five to one rumor-to-product ratio related to Google's open source mobile operating system Android. Dell, Asus, and Acer were each rumored to be interested in using the operating system on netbooks, while LG, Samsung, Motorola, and Nokia all have been included in rumors of new Android phones.
Deutsche Telekom and HTC have thus far been the only reliable companies for cutting-edge Android-based products; so when a rumor about them comes up --
Touch Revolution, which spoke with Betanews at CES earlier this year, said it expected to release a desktop touchscreen phone through a nationwide carrier in the third or fourth quarter of this year, but could neither show the exact device nor mention who the carrier would be. However, the prototype the company displayed at CES fit the scant details the Times mentioned today, a fixed 7-inch touchscreen device into which a handset could be docked.