With LulzSec gone, Anonymous ramps up attacks

LulzSec may have faded off into the hacking annals of history, but Anonymous isn't resting. The group on Monday released a file of what appears to be a cyberterrorism training manual. It is not clear how the group obtained the document.
"Little teaser while we work on the actual release: Ever interested in anti-cyberterrorism training?" a tweet from a Twitter account associated with the group reads. The manual appears to come from FEMA's Counter Terrorism Defense Initiative and is dated from 2009.
The documents within include information on how to request user information from ISPs, and procedures for obtaining warrants. It also includes the addresses of FBI bureaus nationwide, tools for fighting cyberterror, and freely available documents on the subject.
While it isn't any groundbreaking material, it certainly shows that Anonymous is still quite active -- and now with LulzSec in tow, possibly even more dangerous.
The @AnonymousIRC twitter was the account that LulzSec pledged its support to when announcing its disbanding on Saturday. The switch resulted in about 15,000 new followers over the weekend.
"We can confirm that all @LulzSec members have reported aboard. #AntiSec will have full support from #Anonymous and LulzSec. Expect us, soon," a tweet from @AnonymousIRC on Sunday read.