Write a caption, win an HP TouchPad

Do you remember in September, when HP practically gave away TouchPads, for 99 bucks? We tried to get two, and thought we failed, but they eventually came. We saved them up for one of several end-of-year contests. It's our way of saying thanks to you for being a part of the BetaNews community.
Today we start out with the first of the two TouchPads. We'll give away the other tomorrow and two other gadgets -- that many of you will like loads more -- through New Years Day. Your challenge is simple: Write a caption to this photo of Steve Ballmer. Microsoft's CEO will deliver his last Consumer Electronics Show keynote in about a dozen days. We'll pick the best and let chance choose the winner. You have until 11:59:59 pm ET today -- that's December 28, 2011 -- to submit your caption, either in comments or by emailing joe at betanews dot com.
The Ballmer pic is not from CES, but is a keynote, nevertheless. It matches a set Microsoft has posted from CeBIT 2008, but I can't definitively say who shot it. If SOPA, Stop Online Piracy Act, was law, we might be in trouble. Given the amount of debate about SOPA right now, I purposely chose a photo with uncertain origins. BetaNews' normal policy is to credit photos or at least use uncredited ones for which we have rights or they are in public domain.
With that introduction, make us laugh!