Tired of hitting the F5 key? There's an easier way to check Google Nexus availability

Google's attempt to sell the Nexus lineup on its own Play Store could be considered a failure. The company appears to be unable to keep up with the high demand, and as a result devices are mostly sold out all over the world. In order to prepare for that one moment when sufficient stock exists there is a website that checks global Play Stores for Nexus device availability.
Google Nexus Devices World Availability Checker keeps track of all Nexus 4 (including black bumper), 7 and 10 units sold in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, United Kingdom and United States. The website allows users to verify whether a particular device is available in stock at the local Play Store in the above mentioned locations. The advantage, over manually checking, is that prospective buyers are not limited to their regional online store, and can look up international availability, which comes in handy for those that want to shop abroad.
At the time of writing this article the Nexus 4 is out of stock at every Google Play Store, while the black bumper accessory is available for purchase only in the United Kingdom. Three days ago my colleague Joe Wilcox reported a similar situation in the United States where the Nexus 4 was unavailable even at T-Mobile.
Google's first 10-inch tablet, the Nexus 10 is less affected than its smartphone brother. The 16GB model is available for purchase in Australia, United Kingdom and United States, while the more expensive 32GB unit can only be purchased in the last two locations mentioned above.
In the Nexus 7 turf prospective buyers are greeted with far better news, as the ASUS-made tablet is the least affected of the three devices. The 3G model can be purchased in Spain, United Kingdom and United States, while the Wi-Fi only 32GB and 16GB models are available at each international Play Store, except in Germany for the latter of the two.