Google should NEVER let Verizon sell another Nexus device

Let me preface this by telling you that I have never had an actual problem with Verizon service -- sort of, but I will elaborate in a bit. The network is fast, works everywhere I go and the customer service is stellar. However, and you knew there had to be a but, Google would be wise to, under no circumstances, let Big Red get its hands on another Nexus device. The wireless company can simply not handle the responsibility.
I know this because I have a Galaxy Nexus from Verizon and it is an endless source of frustration and regret. Trouble started from day one and continues to day....well, today.
Early Days
The device shipped running Android 4.0, otherwise known as Ice Cream Sandwich, and was somewhat broken out of the box. Connection problems were endless and battery life dreadful, thanks to the handset continuously trying to connect to a network that it could not access. I was on the verge of rooting and installing a ROM to fix the issues when Verizon, low and behold, finally rolled out Android 4.1.1 and resolved the problems -- the ones the carrier claimed it did not have when I called complaining. The update that was already months behind schedule.
Those happy days were short-lived -- Google continues to update Android and Nexus HSPA+ devices while Verizon lets languish LTE Galaxy Nexus. In fact the company will not even talk about update plans.
The Verizon version of the Samsung Galaxy Nexus is now a full four updates behind. As of this writing I still run version 4.1.1, while Google has rolled out 4.1.2, 4.2, 4.2.1 and, just this week, 4.2.2.
These updates are intended for all Nexus devices. This is the flagship Google Android product, and the company uses it as such, making it the first device to receive every new update. Little did Google know that the wireless company would drag its heels and refuse to do what customers like me expected.
What Now?
At least if I had purchased something like the Motorola Razr I would expect this -- I still wouldn't be happy, but I would be resigned to my fate since Verizon has a history of this behavior. But...I bought a Nexus for a reason and I expect that deal to be fulfilled by the company that sold it to me.
In fact, I have little doubt that Google expected the same as me. Verizon delays embarrass Google -- to have a Nexus device in the market that does not live up to what is promised from these phones and tablets. I seriously urge the Mountain View, Cal-based search giant to never let Verizon again tarnish its reputation.
For now, I feel as though I must follow the urging of my colleague Mihaita Bamburic and finally give in and root my device. It is likely the only way I will ever see an update at this point. I also need to take a serious look at the Nexus 4 and T-Mobile. Happy Valentines Day, Verizon, but we soon will be breaking up.
Photo Credit: Joe Wilcox