IBM launches Voices, a real-time service to showcase its social feeds
IBM has come up with a new way to present its social content, and engage with customers. IBM Voices is a real-time data service that showcases live social feeds from across the company.
It aggregates blogs, tweets, videos and photos, and presents them on a single page, along with a search box, a word cloud showing trending topics, and the ability to connect with the company via LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and IBM Communities.
What’s rather unusual is as well as corporate blogs, official Twitter posts and Pinterest product boards, IBM Voices also includes personal feeds of IBM experts from around the planet, covering a diverse range of topics ranging from big data, the cloud, and cognitive computing, to social business, and mobile. The result, the firm says, is a "single snapshot into the collective wisdom of IBM".
Voices currently showcases a total of 150 feeds, but IBM expects this to have grown tenfold by the end of 2013.
Discussing Voices, Ethan McCarty, IBM's Director of Enterprise Social Strategy, says the showcase is primed for today’s era of data transparency. "On this new social playing field, the organizations that win will be those where employees can improve the culture by embodying their company’s character to the world at large. Social brand strategists need to create intentional systems of engagement that allow employees to convey and ultimately shape the brand experience. That’s especially important for a business-to-business company such as mine".
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