UK mobile giant EE will carry 'the next Galaxy' with 4G LTE onboard

Brace yourselves because tomorrow Samsung unveils the next Galaxy flagship at the Unpacked event held in New York. And, even if there are more than 24 hours until the announcement, UK mobile operator EE (previously known as Everything Everywhere) has joined the pre-show hype bandwagon with an announcement of its own.
In a Twitter post, featuring the same teaser photo that Samsung released yesterday on its own Twitter account, EE has announced that it will carry the next Galaxy (presumably called Galaxy S IV) but with the added bonus of "superfast" 4G LTE connectivity.
The UK carrier has also linked to its next Galaxy update page, which lists the smartphone as "coming soon" also on Orange and T-Mobile, the two mobile operators which laid the foundation for EE. However, on Orange and T-Mobile the handset will not feature 4G LTE connectivity.
Photo credit: Digital Storm/Shutterstock