The top new gadgets of 2013 and the ones we're still waiting for

With the launch of a new iPhone on the horizon you can almost sense the forming of a queue each time you go past an Apple store. But Apple isn't the only company with new products either already launched or in the pipeline. In fact 2013 has been something of a bumper year for technology releases.
The FinancesOnline website has produced a handy infographic showing this year's stand-out gadgets and those that are still to come. In the smartphone market most of the interest was at the top end. HTC and Sony joined the premium smartphone battle with new products this year with the Google Nexus 5 still to come.
It's been a fairly quiet year for tablets with only the latest Nexus 7 creating a stir thanks to its high resolution display. Microsoft Surface Pro made headlines for the wrong reasons as the company was forced to slash prices. However, rumours of an iPad 5 mean that the tablet market may get a boost before the end of the year.
The PC market continues to slide despite 4th generation Haswell processors aiming to boost the ultrabook market with more battery life. Apple's funky cylindrical Mac Pro proved that the company has lost none of its design flair and it should be on sale by the end of the year. On the software front iOS7 is moving away from the bevelled and shadowed look and of course the much leaked Windows 8.1 will go public in October.
We've also seen the launch of the inexpensive Chromecast this year, Samsung became the first of the big players to enter the smartwatch field and there's been controversy surrounding the other big wearable development -- Google Glass. We're likely to see a battle for the gaming market in the run up to Christmas with the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 both competing for your holiday cash.
For a month-by-month breakdown of 2013's hot tech releases take a look at the infographic below. Once you've done that tell us what's been your favorite piece of new technology this year? What are you most looking forward to from the coming releases?