New breed of Antimicrobial Gorilla Glass fights germs as well as scratches

Corning Gorilla Glass is well known for its ability to fend off scratches, but the latest version has a new trick up its sleeve as well -- germ-fighting capabilities. Hypochondriacs and neurotics around the world rejoice! Touching your phone need not be the disgusting, bacteria ridden vomit-fest it has been up until now! Getting touchy feely with phones is something we have become used to over the years, and while it's probably easy to pull up some statistics to prove the notion that your toilet is more sanitary than your phone, it's safe to assume that your handset is a swarming mess of unpleasantness just waiting to transfer all manner of disease, infection and other unthinkable things.
All this could be a thing of the past thanks to Corning’s Antimicrobial Gorilla Glass. Made with ionic silver, an antibacterial agent, Antimicrobial Corning Gorilla Glass retains the toughness its predecessors became famous for. Think of what your phone goes through. Everything your hands come into contact with end up touching your phone. It's put down on all manner of surfaces, shoved into pockets with unmentionable disgustingness lurking in the depths. It's not hard to imagine a Petri dish-like bacterial colony building up and wreaking havoc.
Corning's senior vice president and general manager, James R. Steiner said:
"Antimicrobial Gorilla Glass inhibits the growth of algae, mold, mildew, fungi, and bacteria because of its built-in antimicrobial property, which is intrinsic to the glass and effective for the lifetime of a device".
This is all great news of course, but don’t forget to wash your hands anyway! It would be nice to see if these new breed of Gorilla Glass could be incorporated into the entire body of a phone rather than just the screen, but this is something we'll be able to monitor over the coming months.
Image Credit: Julien Tromeur / Shutterstock