Free resource aims to streamline the way companies source mobile developers

Businesses are usually keen to adopt mobile technology but often struggle when it comes to finding a developer to translate their vision into reality.
Mobile strategy and solutions company Mokriya is trying to help by launching MobileInsights, a series of free guides aimed at streamlining the way businesses recruit mobile development firms.
The initial guide is the 50-page, "Creating a Compelling Mobile Experience, A How-To Guide for Choosing the Right Team" which focuses on the project leader's viewpoint. It includes detailed charts to help managers pick the right platform for their app along with questions to ask prospective developers. The aim is to create more guides over time to build into a detailed online resource for anyone looking to develop a mobile app.
"App development is driving the surge in smart device usage," says Mokriya founder Sunil Kanderi, "apps are the reason people want smartphones. They're the ideas that are pushing the whole industry forward. But having a good idea isn’t enough. The execution is ultimately what will determine if an app reaches that critical threshold, or gets lost in all the other products flooding the market."
With more than a billion smartphones already in use worldwide the potential for companies who get their apps right is huge. But as Kanderi says, "The user experience is what distinguishes the apps that prosper from the ones that drop off. Our research tells us that 57-percent of users won’t recommend an app they feel is poorly designed, and 40-percent of users will switch to something else entirely. What we're seeing is a shift in thinking. Users will no longer put up with an App that’s hard to use."
You can view the full guide and stay in touch with future releases on the Mokriya website.
Photo Credit: Rashevskyi Viacheslav / Shutterstock