AMI StorTrends launches new infrastructure assessment tool

Storage interface

Buying storage used to be a case of simply deciding how much space you needed, but these days it's much more complicated.

Making the wrong storage choices can impact on the performance of your entire IT infrastructure. To help with the problem American Megatrends (AMI) is launching a new tool, StorTrends iDATA, to provide admins with an accurate assessment of performance, capacity and throughput requirements.

The StorTrends iDATA (Intelligent Data Analysis Tracking Application) tool runs in the background on your existing environment for seven days. After this it produces a detailed analysis file that provides information on capacity utilization, IOPS (input/output operations per second) usage, reads versus writes for volumes, network bandwidth performance, server statistics and applications. In addition the results are reviewed by a StorTrends system engineers so you get a professional opinion on your requirements.

Because iDATA analyses the whole system, not just storage, the tool can help to profile different types of users based on their resource usage and identify potential bottlenecks in your operations. It needs to be installed on a Windows server but will capture data across the network even if other machines are running different operating systems.

"When it comes to storage infrastructure, the unknowns can have a serious impact on your environment’s success," says Justin Bagby, Director of StorTrends Division at American Megatrends. "With the StorTrends iDATA software tool, we are eliminating those unknown factors that can cause critical storage headaches down the road. In one week, organizations can have the clear view of their infrastructure demands and make more informed decisions that will deliver long-term value in the areas of operational performance, availability and agility. This allows the organization to make precise purchasing and upgrade decisions for all data storage types such as All-Flash Storage, Hybrid Storage or Spinning Disk Storage".

You can get more information and download the iDATA tool for free from the StorTrends website.

Photo Credit: klRr / Shutterstock

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