Get free Xbox One games on your Xbox 360!

Xbox One is probably the best console on the market, although I'm sure PlayStation 4 fans will disagree. Before you call me an "Xbox One fan boy", please know that I don't even own it. So why do I consider it the best? Besides games, its multimedia capabilities and Kinect compatibility put it over the edge for me.
While I don't own Microsoft's latest console, I did buy the Xbox 360 last year. Why? I had never owned one, and got it for a steal at $99. Unfortunately, even though I have a Live Gold membership, that only entitles me to the free 360 games through my console; not Xbox One. This changes today, however, as you can now get free Xbox One games on your Xbox 360 console with a Live Gold membership!
"Starting today, Xbox Live Gold Members who don't have an Xbox One yet can start building their library of Xbox One games directly from Xbox 360 by taking advantage of the Games With Gold program. You have always been able to do it this via the web and my monthly Games With Gold posts. But now, on your Xbox 360 console head to the special Games With Gold section from the link on the home page of the console and you can 'purchase' it there", says Larry Hryb, aka Major Nelson.
What does this mean? While you cannot play the Xbox One games on the 360, you can start claiming them monthly for when you do make the jump to the newest console.
For example, I'm paying for Gold anyway, so I might as well claim the Xbox One games now. Then, if I upgrade to the Xbox One in a year or two, I will already have an impressive library of games ready to go.
This is a big win for Xbox 360 owners, but more importantly it is a win for Microsoft. Why? It is a way to make the Xbox One more attractive than PlayStation 4 for consumers upgrading from the 360.
Photo Credit: samsonovs / Shutterstock