Need a wireless mouse? Try the Logitech M320 [Review]

The wireless mouse isn't new -- the technology is growing fairly old now, actually.But in this case that doesn't make it obsolete, as many of us still use them on a daily basis, and we aren't going back to wired. There's also no shortage of them on the market, but finding a good one can be a painstaking task, as everyone's needs are slightly different.
There's the gaming mouse, the travel mouse and plain old utilitarian daily-use mouse. We've reviewed many of the tiny peripherals here, but they never get old. Tolday we're looking at the Logitech M320, a simple wireless mouse. It isn't gaming and it's not considered travel size, but it's quite decent for daily use, which I'm doing as I type this from my laptop -- I hate toucpads.
This all brings us around to the Logitech M320 -- a standard mouse is all senses, though design plays a large part in it. The device was made with some thought and care.
What You Get and Don't Get
The design is made for your hand -- providing you're right-handed. The top and rear are sloped to fit quite well. The thumb fits nicely into the in-curved left side, while the right is somewhat indented, but to a much lesser degree, making the mouse ideal for the right-handed and much less so for those of the opposite persuasion.
The wireless sensor is a tiny USB plug, as most all modern devices are. Popping open the battery compartment reveals a place to store it in case you're on the go -- otherwise it could easily be lost. And speaking of that battery area, the mouse is powered by a single triple A cell, which comes with it.
An On/Off switch on the bottom allows for a bit of power savings when you walk away -- providing you remember to switch it off, something most of us tend to forget -- or is it just me?
There's no fancy buttons here, it's all utilitarian. Left click, right-click and scroll wheel. That wheel, however, is a bit unique. It's lined with tiny indentations giving it a rough feel, though also making it easier to turn and to feel without a glance.
Like all modern mouses (mice?) it has a red sensor on the bottom for tracking its position. There's also a tiny green LED light on top that illuminates when activated.
The mouse comes in multiple colors also. Customers can choose from grey/yellow, black, red and blue. It also isn't tremendously draining to your bank account at a svelte $29.99.
The bottom line is, it's a mouse. That said, it also just works, which certainly should be expected. It feels good in the hand, it's molded with that in mind. However, as I said, if you are left-handed then this will be less the case. Still, if you need a simple, easy-to-use mouse then this can work for you. Nothing fancy -- no weird buttons to figure out -- plug in the USB dongle and it just works, no software or configuration necessary.