How mobile is changing the way we communicate at work

The rise of mobile device use and of BYOD policies in the workplace is bringing about a major shift in the way people communicate at work.
Email solutions provider Newsweaver has produced an infographic looking at the rise of mobile devices for business use. It also looks at how bring your own app (BYOA) and enterprise app use have different effects.
Findings include that 41 percent of employees do not believe that the tools their company provides actually meets their needs. They therefore choose to 'go rogue' and use their own apps instead. This is acknowledged by IT teams where three out of four workers say they are delivering outdated enterprise tools which don’t meet employee needs.
The adoption of enterprise apps is a more effective approach as it boosts work productivity by over 34 percent. Over half of employees say that enterprise apps help them to do their job more effectively.
There are concerns though, 46 percent of IT departments are not confident in their own mobile security systems effectiveness to protect company data. Cost is also a major issue with the average enterprise app costing $100,000 plus to design, develop and launch.
You can see the full infographic with additional findings below.
Image Credit: Syda Productions / Shutterstock