Apple Watch available from retail stores in two weeks

When the Apple Watch first went on sale, there was a huge rush to get hold of them. This led to frustration with delayed deliveries, but this could be set to come to an end. Apple’s wearable is due to hit retail stores before the end of June.
Starting on 26 June, in addition to existing countries, the Apple Watch will be available to purchase in Italy, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland and Taiwan from Apple stores, some Apple Authorized Resellers, as well as online.
In a press release, Apple says that 'some' models of the Apple Watch will be available to buy from Apple retail stores. The company does not elaborate on precisely which version of the strap-on will be on sale, but there’s good news for anyone who is still waiting for their order to ship -- as long as they did not order the 42mm Space Black Stainless Steel model.
Jeff Williams, Apple’s senior vice president of Operations said:
The response to Apple Watch has surpassed our expectations in every way, and we are thrilled to bring it to more customers around the world. We’re also making great progress with the backlog of Apple Watch orders, and we thank our customers for their patience. All orders placed through May, with the sole exception of Apple Watch 42 mm Space Black Stainless Steel with Space Black Link Bracelet, will ship to customers within two weeks. At that time, we’ll also begin selling some models in our Apple Retail Stores.