Komprise aims to manage data growth while cutting costs

Cloud storage

It's reckoned that 90 percent of the world's data has been created in the last two years and that every two years the amount of data will continue to double.

Existing data management solutions aren’t designed to cope with this rapid explosion of data. However, San Franciso-based startup company Komprise is building a platform uses analytics-driven adaptive automation to manage massive data growth transparently across all storage.

Businesses are currently spending around 25 percent of their IT budgets on storage, and 80 percent of this cost is in the management of the data -- storing, migrating, protecting, and finding information. Komprise aims to eliminate 70 percent of these costs by breaking the cycle of buying and managing more storage. It intelligently automates the data management processes transparently across data silos.

"The reality is most businesses today are struggling simply to keep up with the growth of their data," says Krishna Subramanian COO and co-founder at Komprise. "Not only are storage needs growing rapidly, but most of the data ends up collecting dust in a storage bin since it can be costly and complex for a company to find and interpret. Our solution helps businesses to organize, discover and unlock the value of unstructured data while streamlining costs".

The founding team has successfully built two prior start ups aimed at simplifying complex IT infrastructure and Komprise has raised $6 million in venture capital funding to expand and develop its new platform.

You can find out more and sign up for the early access program on the company's website.

Photo Credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock

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