Twitter removes Vine ads that could trigger epileptic attacks

Twitter acted quickly to remove two Vines advertising the network's #DiscoverMusic campaign after warnings from an epilepsy charity. Epilepsy Action advised Twitter that the two ads could be dangerous to those suffering from photosensitive epilepsy.
The charity made a public appeal to Twitter in a tweet, and the company was fast to respond. Communications director Rachel Bremer thanked Epilepsy Action for drawing attention to the ads which were removed. The epilepsy charity was not alone in sending warnings to Twitter -- quite a few concerned tweeters got in touch with the company to point out the problem.
The looping ads featured flashing imagery which could have been harmful to people with certain types of epilepsy -- in the same way that strobe effects at concerts and in movies can be problematic. Speaking to the BBC, Epilepsy Action’s deputy chief executive, Simon Wigglesworth, said: "Twitter's ads were dangerous to people living with photosensitive epilepsy".
A brief online exchange brought the issue to a conclusion:
.@TwitterUK Your #DiscoverMusic Vines are massively dangerous to people with photosensitive epilepsy. Please take them offline now.
— Epilepsy Action (@epilepsyaction) July 10, 2015
The Advertising Standards Authority's regulations forbid the use of imagery that could trigger a reaction in photosensitive epileptics.