You can no longer review apps if you're an iOS 9 beta tester

Apple is letting developers and enthusiasts test out beta versions of iOS 9 ahead of launch. While the company is keen on getting feedback for the next version of its mobile operating system (just as Microsoft is with the preview builds of Windows 10), there have been concerns that problems with apps during beta testing has led to a swathe of negative reviews in the App Store.
Developers have complained that problems with iOS betas can cause problems with their apps, rather than their apps being inherently problematic. To address the issue, Apple is placing a ban on App Store reviews from iOS 9 beta testers.
It's a move that has been widely welcomed. Considering the relatively small number of people involved beta testing, and it seems unfair that their reviews could influence the purchasing decision of others using more stable software. Many had called upon reviewers to be sensible in their approach, urging them to take into account the fact that they are running apps on an unfinished operating system and may therefore experience more problems than usual.
But a huge number of low scoring reviews for previously successful apps led to complaints from developers and action from Apple. The problem of negative reviews is something that crops up with every iOS beta, but was made worse this year as Apple opened up the beta program to a wider audience.
Try to post a review from iOS 9 at the moment, and you'll be greeted by the following message:
It seems that Apple is listening.