Apple spends just $234 making each iPhone 6s

Analysis by Bank of America Merrill Lynch estimates that the components part of the iPhone 6s cost Apple $234 -- only a very slight increase from the iPhone 6. With the 64GB model selling for $749, Apple is pulling in $515 from each sale before the costs of manufacturing and distribution is factored in.
The biggest cost is for semiconductor parts, accounting for $127 of cost. The 64-bit A9 processor costs just $25, while various sensors add up to around $22. The estimates suggest that the screen of the iPhone 6s is the most expensive part, coming in at around $50 on its own.
Announced earlier in the week, the iPhone 6s improves on its predecessor in a number of areas. At the moment, the costs suggested by Bank of America Merrill Lynch are just educated guesses based on analysis, but it shouldn't be long until a full teardown makes it possible to give a more accurate figure.
The figures, published by Business Insider, show that there has been a slight increase in Apple's outlay on parts since the previous generation of the iPhone. Older models such as the iPhone 5s have become cheaper to put together as the price of individual components has come down over time.
The iPhone 6s is due to launch on 25 September, and pre-ordering is now open.