Anonymous threatens to reveal identities of 1,000 Ferguson KKK members

One thing no one seems to understand is that you don’t mess with Anonymous. Not unless you want all your dirty laundry publicly exposed on the plains of the digital world.
This time around, Anonymous has set its crosshairs at the KKK, or to be more specific, the Traditionalist American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan (TAKKKK) of Ferguson. It plans on revealing the identities of 1,000 of its members.
During last year’s protests in Ferguson, following the announcement that the police officer Darren Wilson won’t be indicted for killing of unarmed black teenager Mike Brown, the TAKKKK warned the protesters that "lethal force" will be used against them.
This prompted global hacktivists group Anonymous to react, taking control of KKK’s main Twitter account, and through it, gaining information regarding some alleged members of the TAKKKK. The amorphous group also alleged that it had evidence of a connection between the Ferguson police department and the TAKKKK, IBTimes wrote in a report.
"We are not attacking you because of what you believe in as we fight for freedom of speech", Anonymous said in a statement released last week. "We are attacking you because of what you do to our brothers and sisters".
"Due to your actions we will be rearranging Operation KKK. We’ve gained access to yet another one of your KKK Twitter account. Using the info obtained, we will be revealing about 1000 of your klan member identities. The aim of the operation is nothing more than cyber Warfare. Anything you upload will be taken down, anything you use to promote the KKK will be shut down".
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Photo credit: Vincent Diamante