Businesses store a lot of irrelevant data in the cloud

Businesses are spending tons of money to keep their data in the cloud, but only a small portion of that data is actually business-critical. The rest is completely redundant, increasing their costs and putting their cyber-security at risk.
These are some of the conclusions seen in a new report by Veritas Technologies, backup and recovery solutions firm. The report, entitled Databerg report 2015, looked at how European organizations across the public and private sector manage their data.
Among the bigger issues are the fact that employees use corporate IT systems as their personal infrastructure, as well as the fact that businesses rely on the cloud all too much -- creating a higher risk of data loss.
According to the Databerg Report 2015, 59 percent of data stored and processed by UK organizations would be invisible and could contain everything from cat videos to adult material, creating a high risk of non-compliance.
The Databerg report also estimates the average mid-sized UK organization holding 1000 Terabytes of information is spending £435k annually on Redundant, Obsolete or Trivial data, which is known to be useless. This means just 12 percent of the cost of data storage is known to be business-critical one of the lowest clean data scores in the study.
The survey provides insights on how 1,475 respondents (including 200 in the UK) in 14 different countries across the EMEA region are dealing with the challenges surrounding turning data into valued business information.
The full report can be found on this link.
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