Tim Cook pooh–poohs Mac and iPad convergence

Convergence is a hot topic nowadays, and for good reason -- our smartphones and tablets are very powerful. It is understandable that consumers want one device to rule them all. While Microsoft has had some success with its Surface computers, for the most part, they prove to be poor tablets and mediocre laptops. They are too expensive, big and unwieldy to be used as a tablet for relaxing, while the keyboard is not ideal for typing. Hell, you can't even type with it on your lap. Don't get me wrong, I love my Surface Pro 3 for its portability and power, but don't enjoy using it.
When it comes to enjoyment and emotional relationships with technology, Apple is second to none. While many have wondered why there is not yet a touch-screen MacBook, or a tablet running OS X, the company has wisely kept both separate. If you were wondering if Tim Cook would reverse course on this, the answer is no. The Apple CEO recently pooh–poohed the idea of an iPad and Mac convergence. Is that a good thing?
Speaking to independent.ie, the CEO said the following.
"We feel strongly that customers are not really looking for a converged Mac and iPad. Because what that would wind up doing, or what we’re worried would happen, is that neither experience would be as good as the customer wants. So we want to make the best tablet in the world and the best Mac in the world. And putting those two together would not achieve either. You'd begin to compromise in different ways".
While some may disagree, Tim Cook is absolutely right to avoid convergence in these areas. The company has found great success with iPads -- declining sales be damned -- while its Mac sales numbers continue to increase. In other words, if it's not broken, don't fix it. Consumers like having their tablet and laptop separate, as they are largely for different things. Combining the two could lead to negative experiences and a decline in sales.
Still, there are some people that welcome the idea. The most promising MacBook and iPad convergence proposal comes from Kevin Tofel of ZDNet. He writes:
"Think about it: Inside the base would be a traditional MacBook, complete with Intel processor, flash storage, batteries, wireless radios, etc.... Instead of a fixed, non-removable screen, what's essentially an iPad could render the OS X environment, working with the keyboard and trackpad. Inside that screen, however, are the guts of an iPad with Apple processor, more flash storage, radios and batteries".
While that is an intriguing concept, ultimately, there is arguably no financial incentive to do it -- yet. If the demand ever warrants it, however, I am sure Apple will reverse course. No, it would not be flip-flopping -- sometimes it isn't what you do, but when you do it. Apple has an uncanny ability to jump into the waters at the right time.
Do you think Apple is smart not to combine the iPad and MacBook? Tell me in the comments.
Photo credit:Marco Prati / Shutterstock