Electronics can be dangerous -- man falls to his death while staring at device

Electronics have become a major distraction in modern society and there's no shortage of stories about accidents caused by cell phones and many people have a story of, at the very least, a near miss. We've likely all been there with distracted drivers.
No question modern devices can be hazardous to one's health and worse, the health of others who have loved ones at home waiting for them.
We've seen the amusing when a woman strolling through a mall fell into a fountain, but there's a darker side to this problem. San Diego, California police are reporting today that a man walked off of the edge at Sunset Cliffs while staring at an electronic device.
While the device isn't known, it can be guessed to be a cell phone, though a tablet is a possibility. According to what NBC News is reporting, "Witnesses stated seeing someone distracted by an electronic device and he just fell over the edge", says San Diego Lifeguard Bill Bender. "(He) wasn't watching where he was walking, he was looking down at the device in his hands".
People in the area tried to rescue him and administered CPR, but it seems it was too late to save the victim. And those who tried put themselves in jeopardy by climbing down the rocks to reach the man. "They acted quickly, they found a way to get down the cliff". Bender says.
There are lessons to be learned from this incident, and hopefully people will heed them, but that's a slim hope. Still, a person has passed away and our thoughts go out to his family and friends.
Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock