Installing apps at the weekend? You're probably using iOS

Companies looking to market to mobile users rely on being able to reach users at the times and places when they're most receptive.
A new report from mobile advertising company AppsFlyer looks at the behavior of app users and how it differs between operating systems and around the world.
Among some of the more interesting findings are how Android and iOS users behave differently at different times. iOS users spend more time interacting with their apps at weekends, whereas Android users spend less. Peak engagement days vary around the world too. For Android users, engagement is highest on Mondays in North America (five percent higher than the weekday average), Wednesdays in Europe (five percent higher), Thursdays in Asia (seven percent higher) and Thursdays in Latin America (15 percent higher).
When it comes to installing apps we're more likely to do so on weekends. For iOS users install activity is 25 percent higher on Saturday and Sunday, it's higher for Android users too though by a much smaller percentage.
The report's writers conclude that cultures play a large role influencing the behavior of mobile consumers. A user's device of choice and the area where they live are primary factors determining when and how they're likely to both install and use apps. In general, Western-world countries (US and Europe) have similar usage patterns, whereas users in Asia and Latin America share similar behavioral patterns.
The results tend to show that iOS users are more inclined to install and engage with their apps during leisure hours -- in the evening and especially over the weekend. It seems that during these times, iOS users have a different state of mind and are willing to spend more time installing and using apps than Android users.
The full report along with interactive charts of the findings is available to download from the Apps Flyer website.
Photo credit: Ellica / Shutterstock