Kids and handheld tech -- to have and to 'PLEASE hold'

Technology to previous generations involved radio, TV, record players and perhaps even 8-track tape players, but today's youth have smartphones and tablets and are connected all of the time. Messaging apps have replaced phone calls and social interaction takes place via the internet.
On the heels of the gift-giving season, which likely featured a few iPads and the like, Logitech has looked into the prospect of young children with these devices. The survey includes both US and UK parents.
"Logitech conducted a survey of U.S. and U.K. parents that revealed that 92 percent of kids are using mobile devices, although parents are still split on whether they approve of this early tech use", the company reports. It's a high number, but only 51 percent of parents approve of giving electronic devices to kids aged five and under.
It's also an area where "to have and to hold" doesn't necessarily apply. In the US 56 percent of parents reported their children mishandle the devices, while the UK is slightly more careful, reporting only 47 percent.
While the ages to introduce tech to a child varies by family, a resounding number think it should be used for educational purposes -- 88 percent in the US and 84 percent in the UK.
Logitech also offers a few tips, such as kid-friendly browsers and time limits for usage. It also recommends a good case for the device, something the company, unsurprisingly, just happens to sell.
Of course, in the end, it really comes down to parenting and different families will make slightly different choices.
Image Credit: VDex / Shutterstock