Only a third of businesses have proper DDoS protection

Among the biggest cyber-threats to businesses nowadays are phishing, patch exploitation, trojans and DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service), yet new figures show that a quarter of companies don’t have an anti-DDoS protection set up.
Those are the results of a new survey by security firm Kaspersky Lab and B2B International. According to their research, approximately half of businesses surveyed understand the risks cyber-attacks pose, not just to their financials, but also to their reputation. Approximately, the same percentage also thinks being protected from DDoS attacks is an important cybersecurity requirement.
But, there is the 24 percent of companies that don’t use this type of protection, and 41 percent that use it, only partially. "It turns out that just 34 percent of companies are fully protected against this widespread threat", the security firm said.
To make things worse, the majority of companies with no protection fall into the "risk group" -- businesses most frequently attacked. Those include the media (36 percent), healthcare and education, both at 31 per cent.
"It’s important to take DDoS attacks seriously as they can be just as damaging to a business as any other cybercrime, especially if used as part of a bigger targeted attack", said Russ Madley, head of B2B, Kaspersky Lab.
"The ramifications caused by these types of attacks can be far-reaching and very impactful as they’re able to reach deep into a company’s internal systems. Organizations must understand that protection of the IT infrastructure requires a comprehensive approach and continuous monitoring, regardless of the company’s size or sphere of activity".
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