Businesses want to spend more money on making apps

Businesses want to increase their spend on mobile app development, but we’re still a long way to go before that spending becomes more relevant, a new study by Gartner has shown. According to the market analysts’ report, overall app development budget allocated to mobile is 10 percent, a two percent decrease compared to the year before.
However, almost half (42 percent) of organizations plan to increase their mobile app development spend by an average of 31 percent this year. "Demand for mobile apps in the enterprise is growing, but the urgency to scale up mobile app development doesn’t yet appear to be a priority for most organizations", says Adrian Leow, principal research analyst at Gartner.
"This must change, particularly given employees often have the autonomy to choose the devices, apps and even the processes to complete a task. This places an increasing amount of pressure on IT to develop a larger variety of mobile apps in shorter time frames".
Businesses are mostly interested in building their own apps from the ground up, rather than use any templates or app builders. This practice has transferred to mobile apps, as well. One of the reasons they do this is that they still need to do a lot to integrate back-end databases and applications in to the mobile front-end.
"If developers have to spend 70 percent of their time getting the integration right, they shouldn’t have to make compromises on the front end by constraints inherent in pre-packaged mobile apps", says Leow. "The selection of pre-packaged mobile apps is also still quite limited from many providers".
According to Leow, the solution would be a focus on an enterprise app store.
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