IT heads lack the confidence to fight security threats

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Despite seeing how painful poor cyber-security posture can be on a company, IT decision makers are still skeptical of the funds given to them by upper management to combat the threat, and lack the confidence, too. This is according to a new report by cloud business applications provider Intermedia.

The company surveyed 350 ITDMs, asking questions in four categories: security, general IT services, infrastructure and skilled IT workforce. Overall, the confidence score is 7.2 out of 10, which Intermedia calls "modest" (0 means a company is not confident at all, and 10 means the company is "extremely confident").

The ability to prevent, withstand or stop ransomware and botnet attacks has scored the lowest -- 6.0. Tackling DDoS attacks ranked somewhat better -- 6.3.

"Given the critical role IT plays in underpinning business today, a Confidence Score of 7.2 is worrisome", comments Jonathan Levine, CTO at Intermedia.  "You wouldn’t feel comfortable boarding an airplane if the pilot had a 7.2 confidence level in the plane’s airworthiness. This modest confidence suggests that organizations may be more exposed than leaders realize. We’ll be watching closely to see if further cloud adoption helps improve confidence, or if the insufficient attention given to IT concerns today will further erode confidence in the coming year".

The full report, entitled 2016 IT Confidence Index, can be found on this link.

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Photo Credit: lolloj/Shutterstock

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