Leaked Windows 10 build shows Creators Update is getting an ebook store

Google has one, Apple has one, Amazon has one, so Microsoft seems to feel that it should have one too. We're talking ebook stores, and a leaked version of Windows Mobile reveals that this is something that is due to be added to the Windows Store.
While Microsoft has been slowly but surely building up its store ecosystem, the focus has been mainly on apps so far, with music and video thrown in for good measure. With the company having fairly recently added EPUB support to Microsoft Edge, the arrival of ebooks is perhaps not entirely surprising, but Microsoft is very late to the party.
Images from the leaked internal build of Windows 10 Mobile have been shared by MSPoweruser. They show how the process of purchasing an ebook is virtually identical to that of buying an app or anything else from the Windows Store, and individual titles are listed as being available for PC and mobile devices.
It's not clear whether Microsoft has struck deals with any major publishing houses, but the leaked screenshots do not show signs of aggressive pricing. Although there has been no official word about ebooks from Microsoft yet, the expectation is for the new section to make its way to the Windows Store when Windows 10 Creators Update is released in April.
Image credit: MSPoweruser