Renogy Phoenix All-in-One Solar Powered Generator Briefcase keeps you juiced-up in emergencies

Whenever I am going on a day trip, such as spending an afternoon in New York City, I pack a special technology bag. Besides my laptop and camera, I am sure to include a USB battery pack. No matter what, I like to know that I can charge my iPhone in an emergency.
But what if I wanted something for a trip that is longer than a day? What if I wanted to stay juiced-up on a camping trip? Heck, what if there is a disaster that cuts my home's electricity? Renogy has a new hardcore product that is sure to excite. The Phoenix All-in-One Solar Powered Generator Briefcase could prove to be quite the life-saver -- it can charge an iPhone 6s 32 times! Not only does it offer a massive 16Ah internal battery, but it can be recharged by the sun. It can charge more than a mere smartphone too.
"Phoenix is a compact, lightweight back-up system that combines two highly efficient Renogy 10 Watt Monocrystalline Solar Panels and can expand up to 120 watts with additional PVs (Photovoltaics). The Phoenix can be charged three ways - the sun, standard home/office 120v outlet or an automobile 12v lighter outlet. Also, with the included replaceable 16Ah Li-ion(NMC) battery, the capability of limitless power is possible. The unit comes with a built-in sturdy and comfortable handle for easy portability and a high-quality LCD panel that shows remaining power and output usage," says Renogy.
The company further says, "The ideal power source for camping, tailgating or survivalist excursions, the waterproof Phoenix Briefcase allows a user to be in the most remote locations and always have access to unlimited power. Business travelers would also find benefits to always having enough power with them for hours of work or entertainment. Unlike conventional gas generators that use motors and discharges fumes, the Phoenix is 100-percent battery powered, making it safe for use indoors during emergencies or to reduce energy related expenses."
The company shares the following specifications.
If you want to buy this insanely-cool battery briefcase, it can be yours from Amazon for $599 here. While the product is not for everyone, it is certainly a wise purchase for those who like to be prepared for the unknown. You will be the envy of your neighborhood during the next blackout.
Could you find a use for the Renogy Phoenix All-in-One Solar Powered Generator Briefcase? Tell me in the comments.