Does Donald Trump tweet too much? America thinks so

Donald Trump may not be the first US president to take to Twitter, but he's certainly proved unique in the way he uses the social platform. Tweets have become his public mouthpiece, used to issue train-of-thought broadcasts, as well as plenty of oddities -- it's going to be some time before "covfefe" is forgotten.
But while many are pleased to see Trump issuing statements through an accessible medium, critics on both sides of the political spectrum have voiced concern about his outpourings. Importantly, the American public now believes that the president tweets too much.
A new survey shows that over the last six months, more and more people are under the impression that Trump should spend less time on Twitter. The Morning Consult/POLITICO survey reveals the thoughts of four groups of people -- all registered voters, Democrats, Republicans, and Independents -- and in each one, the view that there is too much presidential tweeting has jumped.
Unsurprisingly, the view is most strongly held among Democrats. Back in December 75 percent said the president tweets too much, jumping to 82 percent six months later. Among independents, the jump was from 48 to 70 percent. Even Republicans feel the same. While just 42 percent were of the view that there was too much tweeting going on, this now stands at 53 percent.
Overall 69 percent of registered voters share the opinion. There are, however, 4 percent of people who think Donald Trump does not tweet enough!
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