New solution streamlines IoT connectivity
The IoT presents a challenge for organizations as they have to configure, secure and manage massive numbers of devices.
A new product suite from productivity specialist Helium is aimed at streamlining the ability to prototype, deploy and scale a long-range wireless network that connects thousands of end devices, giving companies a simple way to intelligently and securely deliver data from devices to the cloud and application layer.
Helium allows companies to manage and update their systems from a central console, the Helium Dashboard, eliminating the need to visit every sensor in the field. This also serves as a central point for the setup and integration of the cloud applications and data stores used to assess and take action on device data.
“Connectivity is extraordinarily complicated when dealing with resource-constrained embedded devices," says Amir Haleem, CEO of Helium. "Helium has taken a process that normally takes months of labor-intensive work from a large team and simplified it to a process that can be achieved in minutes with minimal staff, and provides the visibility and control needed to manage at scale going forward."
Key features include simple installation and setup with compatibility across hundreds of hardware providers. IEEE standards-based hardware provides maximum flexibility for changing business demands with no proprietary lock-in. In addition hardware-based security ensures data is encrypted and devices authenticated right through the process.
Over-the-air updates and bi-directional communication provide future-proofing, ensure up-to-date software and offer further protection from security risks. It provides interoperability with all major cloud solution providers too, including Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS IoT, and Google Cloud Platform IoT Core.
You can find out more and request an evaluation kit on the Helium website.
Image credit: Jirsak / Shutterstock