As Game of Thrones spoilers leak online, Panda Security issues a stark warning

This week's hack of HBO led to the release of stolen episodes of Ballers and Room 104, and the threat of Game of Thrones leaks. Now the hackers have made good on their threat and uploaded scripts and episode summaries for yet-to-be-aired episodes, and speculation is rife that it is just a matter of time before episodes hit torrent sites such as The Pirate Bay.
Season seven of the show is just getting underway, and details of episodes three and four have now been published online. Other files have also been leaked following the hack, including log in credentials for HBO staff.
The script for episode four of the show is dated April 2016. As this is more than a year old, it is entirely possible that it is not a final version, but it is bad news for HBO nonetheless. The motives of the hackers are not clear as there have been no public demands for a ransom, and HBO has made no indication that any such demands have been made privately.
But before you rush to see what the leaked scripts and summaries include, Panda Security has issued a warning:
We firmly suggest you not to download the torrent and not to visit the shady websites that may list the stolen information. Visiting torrent sites could be harmful to your computer and downloading any files from such websites is dangerous. Instead of the new season of a hit show, your system may end up getting infected with malicious software. Another good reason to not download the torrents is the fact that even if you turn seeding off, you are still seeding while you download the torrent. This means that you will be part of a network distributing stolen material. Here in the US, this is a federal crime, so please think twice before hitting the download button! The last thing you want is authorities knocking on your door.
The security firm goes on to say:
Here at Panda Security, we sincerely hope new episodes are not part of the stolen information, and all future episodes will be released as scheduled by HBO. We do not want hackers to ruin the GOT summer of millions of viewers. Do not read the leaked script even if you find it. Do not support pirates; they are not the Robin Hood of our society, quite the opposite, they are money driven and would gladly steal your information too without any hesitation should you are not protected.