Continuous Delivery Foundation aims to boost success of open source projects

An industry group made up of 22 members is launching a Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) to develop, nurture and promote open source projects, best practices and industry specifications related to continuous delivery.
Founding members of the CDF include the Linux Foundation, Google, Microsoft, Netflix, Red Hat, CloudBees and the Jenkins Community
The CDF will house a variety of open source projects, initial ones including Jenkins, Jenkins X, Spinnaker and Tekton. Additional projects are expected to join, with the goal of bringing together a continuous delivery ecosystem to build specifications and projects around portability and interoperability.
"The time has come for a robust, vendor-neutral organization dedicated to advancing continuous delivery," says Kohsuke Kawaguchi, creator of Jenkins and CTO at CloudBees. "The CDF represents an opportunity to raise the awareness of CD beyond the technology people. For projects like Jenkins and Jenkins X, it represents a whole new level of maturity. We look forward to helping the CDF grow the CD ecosystem and foster collaboration between top developers, end users and vendors."
The CDF will create a way for other commercial companies to invest in the growth and success of open source projects like Jenkins, helping to extend the project and the ecosystem around it. It also will give top developers, end users and vendors the ability to advocate for open source CD solutions, share ideas and promote open standards in the DevOps space.
It will be staffed and operated by the Linux Foundation. Members are expected to include a cross-section of cloud infrastructure providers, DevOps vendors, enterprise software providers, system integrators and end users from many different industries.
"As the market has shifted to containerized and cloud native technologies, the ecosystem of CI/CD systems, DevOps and related tools has radically changed. The number of available tools has increased, and there's no defining industry specifications around pipelines and other CI/CD tools," says Chris Aniszczyk, vice president of developer relations at the Linux Foundation. "CloudBees, Google and the other CDF founding members recognize the need for a neutral home for collaboration and integration to solve this problem. The CDF will establish a community to advance industry best practices and innovation around CI/CD."
More about the CDF can be found on its website.
Image Credit: Bildagentur Zoonar GmbH / Shutterstock