Fedora 30 Beta is here -- try the next version of the best Linux distro now

Fedora is the best overall Linux distribution. It's really not up for debate -- even the father of Linux, Linus Torvalds uses it. The focus of the operating system is truly free and open source software, making it one of the most pure experiences. And while there are many flavors to choose with various desktop environments, the default is GNOME -- the overall best DE. While Fedora maybe isn't the best distro for beginners, it should be the eventual choice for those that "level up" to being an experienced Linux user later.
Today, after a bit of a delay, Fedora 30 is finally available for download. Details are a bit sparse regarding new features, but we will add them as we know more. What we do know, however, is the Workstation variant (which is what most users care about) uses GNOME 3.32 -- the latest and greatest version of that desktop environment.
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"The Fedora 30 beta is here and with it comes new updates for the future of the Fedora operating system. The Fedora Project, a global community that works to help advance free and open source software, is still the driving force behind Fedora 30. Fedora 30 Beta will also continue to be available in three editions designed to answer end user needs across a range of computing tasks," says Matthew Miller, Fedora Project Leader.
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Miller further says, "So what's changing in Fedora 30? It's not so much what's changing in Fedora, but rather how the operating system, in general, is changing. As microservices, Kubernetes and cloud computing deployments grow in popularity, the role of the OS changes; not in its importance, but in how it’s used. The Fedora Project is living these changes and seeing the evolution of open source technology firsthand, and we’re committed to designing the Fedora operating system to meet the demands of these new use cases."
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If you want to download Fedora 30 Beta, you can get it here. Before you install it, however, please don't forget that this a pre-release operating system, so there could be bugs. Be prepared for potential data loss or other terrible things.
Photo credit: FabrikaSimf/Shutterstock