RIP Grumpy Cat: The meme and internet phenomenon is dead

Grumpy Cat, the feline subject of many memes, has died at the age of 7.
The internet celebrity rose to fame because of her delightfully dour demeanour and a sour face that made the online world smile. An internet celebrity for seven years, Grumpy Cat (aka Tardar Sauce) shuffled off this mortal coil this week, leaving the web a sadder place.
Grumpy Cat's owners confirmed that the feline died on Tuesday this week, saying: "Despite care from top professionals, as well as from her very loving family, Grumpy experienced complications from a recent urinary tract infection that unfortunately became too much for her to overcome".
In a Twitter posted entitled "some days are grumpier than others", Grumpy Cat's owners said: "We are unimaginably heartbroken to announce the loss of our beloved Grumpy Cat".
The post goes on to say that the feline "has helped millions of people smile all around the world -- even when times were tough".
Some days are grumpier than others...
— Grumpy Cat (@RealGrumpyCat) May 17, 2019
With 1.5 million followers on Twitter, the demise of Grumpy Cat leaves many social media users more than a little morose.
RIP Grumpy Cat.
Image credit: JStone / Shutterstock