Debian-based MX Linux 19.2 now available for download

A couple days ago, we told you about a new version of a wonderful Linux distribution called Linux Lite. As great as that operating system is -- especially for those switching from Windows -- it isn't the only Linux distribution that is lightweight and easy to use. In fact, the Linux community probably has too many distributions from which to choose, but I digress.
Today, yet another great Linux-based operating system gets updated to a new version, this time it is MX Linux 19.2. It uses the lightweight -- yet pretty -- Xfce 4.14 for its desktop environment and MESA 18.3.6. It comes loaded with some great software, such as LibreOffice 6.1.5, Thunderbird 68.6.1, Firefox 76, GIMP 2.10.12, VLC 3.0.10, and Clementine 1.3.1.
"MX-19.2 is the second refresh of our MX-19 release, consisting of bugfixes and application updates since our original release of MX-19. If you are already running MX-19, there is no need to reinstall. Packages are all available thru the regular update channel. The standard MX-19.2 releases (32 bit and 64 bit) feature the latest debian 4.19 kernel and unlike in the past the kernel will now auto-update along with debian sources by default. The AHS (Advanced Hardware Support) iso features a debian 5.6 kernel, mesa 20, as well as a new updated firmware package," explains The MX Dev Team.
The developers share updated MX apps in MX 19.2 below.
- mx-installer (based on gazelle-installer) -- new – -oem commandline switch for OEM style installations. When you specify – -oem, user accounts will be set up on the first reboot rather than during install. This feature is a little experimental right now but you can specify it from the commandline. (minstall-pkexec – -oem). There is also a new "live-log" tab in the gui so you can see the background commands being run real time.
- mx-packageinstaller -- new confirmation dialogs added to installs and removal operations for both apt and flatpak installations.
- conky-manager -- updated so that conky configs can be saved on a per Desktop Environment/Window Manager basis. You can have a different conky on fluxbox than you have on Xfce, no muss, no fuss.
- mx-conky-data -- our collection of pre-built conky configurations received a ton of bug fixes and enhancements.
- MX-Fluxbox -- MXFB got a whole ton of updates, including localized default menus, updated art work, new vertical launcher bar, updated docs, and a new mx tool to manage the idesk desktop settings.
If you are looking to run MX Linux for the first time, or you're an existing user wanting to refresh your install media, you can grab a 19.2 ISO here. If you do install it, please share your experience in the comments below.
Photo credit: VladOrlov / Shutterstock