New solution helps enterprises handle sensitive data

When looking at adopting a SaaS solution a big concern for enterprises is the risk involved in sending data out to be managed, stored, processed, and analyzed by a third party.
Code analysis and debugging specialist Rookout is launching Data On-Prem, a solution which gives large enterprises the ability to quickly solve complex problems involving sensitive data.
It does this by offering its cutting-edge tooling in a SaaS package, while simultaneously meeting all of the security and compliance requirements expected of on-premise solutions.
"Data On-Prem is about ownership of data," says Liran Haimovitch, co-founder and CTO of Rookout. "The truth is that large companies want to be agile and use best of breed SaaS tools just like startups do -- but they simply can't take on the risk of handing data over to a 3rd party. This is the problem we've solved by providing the data they want instantly -- and in a closed envelope."
The company claims Data On-Prem will save companies in data-sensitive environments time and money when extracting data, particularly in industries such as finance and healthcare, where dealing with data is a governance and compliance issue.
According to research published by Digital Enterprise Journal last year, organizations are losing over $2 million per month, on average, due to delays in application releases. The traditional processes to solve these problems are extremely time-consuming -- such as writing endless log lines or waiting for new code to re-deploy -- and often involve many levels of controls and approvals. Rookout skips all of that process, and comes with built-in auditing and other controls, allowing engineers to extract the data they need instantly.
You can find out more on the Rookout site.
Image Credit: aslysun / Shutterstock