Let's hear it for sys admins -- IT satisfaction soars during remote working

Everybody and everything seems to have its own day in the modern age, and today it's the turn of sys admins to enjoy their moment in the spotlight as it's System Administrator Appreciation Day. Let's hear it for sys admins!
Okay, now we've got that out of the way, remote monitoring software specialist NinjaRMM has released the results of a survey which shows that admins have indeed earned some extra kudos during the current crisis (COVID-19 just in case you’re reading an archived version of this in 2030).
It finds that 88 percent of respondents are satisfied with their IT team's performance and 86 percent say they're confident they understand IT's role. Considering that over the last few months many IT professionals have faced some of the most difficult challenges in their careers, employees' high satisfaction with their performance is a major indication of their success.
Some 59 percent of respondents to the survey say they are now working remotely as a result of COVID-19 compared with 21 percent that are still working in an office. Nearly 13 percent of respondents indicated they worked remotely prior to the pandemic. This means there has been a more than four fold increase in the number of remote employees that IT must manage.
It's not entirely good news though, 15 percent of respondents say they have never been updated on IT's priorities. The number one issue employees think IT should focus on is helping to improve their home Wi-Fi networks. This is followed by helping employees set up digital tools like Zoom, Slack or Dropbox and educating employees on their company's security policies.
You can read more about the study on the NinjaRMM blog.
Photo Credit: SFIO CRACHO/Shutterstock