Boston Dynamics takes its dogs for a walk in DC

If you have a dog then you’ve likely been there with the 3AM trips outside regardless of weather -- rain, snow, bone-chilling cold. If the hound needs to go, you're going out -- after all, you don’t want the alternative.
There are other fun times, teething for instance. My current black lab cost me two pillows, a house plant and a vacuum cleaner cord. There’s food that needs to be kept out of reach... a lab can easily reach a kitchen counter, I learned early on.
What if you could have the animal without the pesky problems? Boston Dynamics is working on just that, and has been since 2005. And, after all that time in obedience school, its robotic creation Spot is behaving pretty well these days.
In fact, a couple of reps from the company took Spot for a walk on the streets of Washington DC yesterday morning and the company’s Sebastien Blanc posted a video of it. There were no leashes or pooper-scoopers involved as three Spots calmly made their way down the avenue, seeming quite curious, as real dogs are, but without the stopping to sniff part of the adventure.
If you’d like to See Spot Run, or at least learn more, you can view the video below or visit Boston Dynamics here. But remember, you won't get the happy greeting when you come in the door or the warm fur to pet.