Sling decides a little change can mean a lot

Not long ago, Sling rolled out a major change to its platform, adding and removing features and altering the overall look of the interface. While I welcomed some of those changes, the majority of them I panned.
One I failed to mention when I went over the new, greatly altered look and functionality of Sling, was the inability to browse the guide while continuing to listen to the broadcast you’re currently watching. That feature had been available in the earlier iteration of the service -- you just had to press the up-arrow on your remote to access it.
Today, unannounced, Sling rectified its error with the latest version. With just a simple message on the top of the screen it says "Press the up arrow to access the guide." Hopefully, users were looking at the screen when it appeared because it only lasted a few seconds and didn’t reappear.
This updated version of the old feature comes with an improvement. Whereas the previous version allowed you to hear the currently viewed show, this update places it into a picture-in-picture at the bottom right of the screen so if you hear something of interest you can quickly glance down as opposed to exiting and then having to start your scrolling all over again.
I did encounter one glitch in the new add-on, and hopefully it’s only temporary. While scrolling down a few of the channels had blank listings. This happened twice, while exiting a current show and going to the Guide feature worked smoothly for all channels.
Let us know what you think of this update and if you encounter any glitches.