Debian-derived Kali Linux now available for download with GNOME 42

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Kali Linux is a fantastic distro that is used primarily for digital forensics and penetration testing. Even if you’ve never used it before, you may well have seen it in movies and TV shows like Mr Robot. It comes with wide range of tools to help in investigations and incident responses.
Today the distro’s developer, Offensive Security, announces Kali Linux 2022.2, with new features and tools, as well as a number of impressive updates.
Highlights of the latest version of the popular open source pentesting platform include:
- GNOME 42 -- Major release update of the popular desktop environment
- KDE Plasma 5.24 -- Version bump with a more polished experience
- Multiple desktop enhancements -- Disabled motherboard beep on Xfce, alternative panel layout for ARM, better support for VirtualBox shared folders, and lots more
- Tweaks for the terminal -- Enhanced Zsh syntax-highlighting, inclusion of Python3-pip and Python3-virtualenv by default
- April fools - Hollywood mode -- Awesome screensaver (watch the video below)
- Kali Unkaputtbar -- BTRFS snapshot support for Kali
- Win-KeX 3.1 -- sudo support for GUI apps
- New tools -- Various new tools added
- WPS attacks in Kali NetHunter -- Added WPS attacks tab to the NetHunter app
New tools in this release include:
- BruteShark -- Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT)
- Evil-WinRM -- Ultimate WinRM shell
- Hakrawler -- Web crawler designed for easy, quick discovery of endpoints and assets
- Httpx -- Fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit
- LAPSDumper -- Dumps LAPS passwords
- PhpSploit -- Stealth post-exploitation framework
- PEDump -- Dump Win32 executable files
- SentryPeer -- SIP peer-to-peer honeypot for VoIP
- Sparrow-wifi -- Graphical Wi-Fi Analyzer for Linux
- wifipumpkin3 -- Powerful framework for rogue access points
You can download Kali Linux 2022.2 now or upgrade an existing installation.